From the Chaplain
In 1826, the French lawyer Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote, Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are. What does our food say about us? Food is in such ready supply in the Western world - for those who have income to buy it - and it is easy to buy what is in front of us, what is easy, available, affordable. Creationtide is an invitation to be more thoughtful about what we buy and consume.
Take a look at these actions
Holy God, we acknowledge our dependence on the fruits of the earth, the clear running water, the shelter of trees and the goodness of soil. We acknowledge our dependence on you, Lord, as author and creator. So help us, Lord of all, that the network of creation which so supports and helps us, may not be further broken and that we may be amongst those who repair the damage of the years.
Sunday 15th September - Trinity 16
Eucharist - Livestream* through Zoom (please see below)
No Sunday Club but a craft for the young people (Sunday Club will return on 22 and 29 Sept).
To view the service sheets please
The first service sheet is for St Paul's and the second for St George's.
To view the readings, please
*Live stream at St Paul's. When you log in, you will automatically be admitted to the Zoom room with your video off and your sound muted.
To log in please
Meeting ID: 846 2559 3881
Passcode: 664631
Do use the Church of England Facebook post as an alternative if need be.
To view please
Services this Week
Morning Prayer Online - Tuesdays and Fridays 9.00am *(See below on how to join)
Evening Prayer - Tuesday 7.00pm St George´s
Mid-Week Communion - Thursday 12.45pm St George´s
* If you wish to join the Tuesday or Friday online Morning Prayer, go to the calendar below. Click on the 'click here' link which will take you into the calendar. Click on the date of the Morning Prayer that you wish to join. Click on 'more details' and a zoom link will come up that will allow you to join.
Find out what's on in the Chaplaincy in a glance.
Caldas Congregation meets today
Our monthly communion service in the Caldas da Rainha area is today, Friday 13th at 4pm. It is at the home of Pamela Patten near Tornada - please contact Pam or Beth for further details. We are a small group of 10-20 and newcomers are always welcome!
Join a home group!
Are you eager to explore how faith impacts your daily life? Do you long to deepen connections with others and support each other as you walk with the Lord? If so, this is for you!
These small groups will meet every other week in someone’s home to share our faith journeys, open the Bible and pray together.
If you are interested, could you let me know where you live and when works for you? We will not pin you down on any of your responses, it’s just to get an idea as to who is interested so that we are able to form groups and be back in touch with you. Please drop me a note:
Thank you! Daleen
Concert at St George's - Monday 16th September at 9:30pm
This Monday, September 16th, at 9:30pm, there will be a concert at St George’s with performers Suzanne Ciani (USA) and Violeta Azevedo.
Socialize - Share - Pray Thursday 19th September, 7.30pm
This is our men's group that meets once a month on a Thursday for fellowship. Join us on the 19th September at 7.30pm at GANESHA PALACE, Av. Alvares Cabral 48, 1250-018 Lisbon. If you are planning on joining us then let Michael Yarwood know on (+351) 968 817 212 and he will book your place and add you to the WhatsApp Group. It is a really relaxed atmosphere and a great way to get to know other people in the Chaplaincy.
Next Church Spirit Meeting - Wednesday 18th September
The next Church Spirit meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th September at 6.30pm. The guest speaker will be Bruce Dawson and the title will be 'The Music Lover who became a reluctant Accountant'.
St Paul´s Mission/Community Event
Saturday September 28th, 4.00 - 6.00pm
We are holding an event designed to showcase all that happens within the building at
St Paul´s. We are planning that there will be stalls and displays from each of the groups that meet there - religious and non-religious - and free refreshments to welcome visitors. Advertising will be key to its success and that is where you come in! Please be thinking even now whom you could invite to come along. We will provide some paper flyers early in September and there will be social media posts/online posters to share as well.
Please also pray for its success. Thank you!
Welcome Event for Students - Sunday 6th October - 7.00pm
There will be a Welcome Event for students on Sunday 6th October 7.00 If you know any students, please pass on the details. Flyers available soon
Festival Church
We are excited to start something new for children aged 3-10 years. We are holding a new event for children around each of the main festivals of the church, which will include story, games, craft & food. The first one is on Saturday 5th October 3.00 -, celebrating Harvest. If you know families who might be interested, do pass on the details.
Coffee in the Library at St Paul's, Estoril
Coffee in the Library at St Paul’s Tuesday and Thursday 10.30 -12.30. Drop in any time for coffee and a chat and for Midday Prayers on Tuesdays, or Portuguese conversation on Thursdays at 11.00am.
Volunteers for one morning a month would be very welcome.
Sunday 15th September
Trinity 16
Isaiah 50.4 - 9a
Psalm 116 : 1 - 8
James 3 : 1 - 12
Mark 8. 27 - 38
To view the readings
Sunday 22nd September
Trinity 17
Jeremiah 11.18-20
Psalm 54
James 3.13-4.3, 7-8a
Mark 9. 30-37